
Frequently used ssh snippets

How to's

Port forwarding

Say we want to connect to a web server running at and we have user to connect to the server. We can create a tunel to see the server on our local port 9000 by doing:

ssh -L 9000:localhost:8080

localhost:8080, is to forward connections from your local port 9000 to localhost:8080 on your server. Now we can simply connect to our webserver.

.pem managing

chmod 400 *.pem

Add user

  1. execute

    sudo adduser user
  2. then, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add/edit:

    AllowUsers user
    PasswordAuthentication yes
  3. then, execute

sudo service ssh reload

Add to sudoers

usermod -aG sudo user

Review ssh login attemps

sudo vim /var/log/auth.log

Copy the file "foobar.txt" from the local host to a remote host

  • scp foobar.txt
